Cube constant

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Decimal expansion of the Cube constant. It goes on forever so it's very complicated.

The Cube constant, often simply written as C, is a very useful number for cubal calculations that pops up all over the place. It is equal to the amount of cube per one cube, and therefore equal to 1[citation needed].

Related units

One related unit is the cubit (usually denoted "c"), which equals the amount of information in a maxentropic randomness source which has exactly C possible outputs. Equivalently, it is the surprisal corresponding to observing an event with prior probability C. In fact, C is the only constant for which these definitions make any sense.

Some useful facts about the cubit:

  • c = Cc
  • Cc + Cc = c
  • Cc = 0c
  • 0c ≠ 0°C