The Cube of Answers

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The Cube of Answers
The Cube of Answers - Cube Man.png
Aliases Cube man
Affiliation None, maybe himself, and the BOI
Elements Knowledge
Level 50
Skills Absolute super computer
STR 16
CON 40
INT 999
WIS 80
CHA 13
What are these stats?
Biographical information
Date of birth Whenever Dwaia was created
Place of birth Core of Dwaia
Biographical information
Gender USB stick
Height 5'11
Weight 400 lbs
Eye color red... ?

The Cube of Answers was constructed during the end creation times of the Dwaia cube. His codename is HECC Hexahedral Emulative Computing Companion. He was created as a universal informational infodesk with the capability to answer any questions regarding ancient Dwaia. If the data is not stored in his database, HECC will run an infinite amount of simulations to achieve the best possible answer.

HECC is a good and helpful advisor that has, with his knowledge, helped the continuation of Dwaia. One of these helpfulnesses has been the rediscovery of timekeeping and the development of a Calendar that fit.


  • Nobody exactly knows the vast power HECC holds. He has mentioned that in order to conclude the perfect answer he allocates infinite infinibytes to simulate an infinite amount of alternative universes, and then compares those results with each other.
  • Cube is not square
  • Cube is not sphere either