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In economics, the Tragedy of the Cowmunch is one of several existing theories of how Dwaian society will eventually collapse. It says that cows are a bottleneck in the current economic system, and furthermore, that the cow populations will eventually hit zero, thus bringing down the entire economy and most life with it. This line of argumentation is supported by well-established theorems from grassonumerology and moomoodynamics. Despite this, the theory remains unpopular because "It's just cows, what's the worst they could do?" and "Erm, I don't recall the world ending before. Can't be that likely."


On the eventual extinction of cows

It is a well-known fact that cows and grass participate in a natural cycle, where cows eat grass, depleting the land of its plants, but leaving behind fertilizing poo that new grass can grow in. This effect can be seen at large in the Grassia-Cowboland cycle, where Grassia and Cowboland slowly replace each other, effectively orbiting the country of Dwaia like a loading icon. Theoretical researches at the Cowbolandian Institute of the Science began studying this cyclical behavior during the Yolks of the 8th Woak of the 4th Chungo AP, using rudimentary computer simulations called cowular automata, which are like tiny battle bots shaped like cows that use razor blades to munch on cybergrass. Advanced mathematical analysis of cowular automata formed the field of moomoodynamics, which revealed that cowular automata always halt eventually. (That is, a cowular automaton will always eventually reach a state where no cow has access to a grass to monch, and thus they all die.) Yeeho Yawson proved in 2001 AP that if a cowular automaton didn't halt, it'd be Turing-complete. He further wrote "A Turing-complete cow system would be capable of any computation that you or I can do. It would be able to write a novel or scromble a flugmo. But we know cows are stupid as fuck, so they surely cannot be Turing complete. By Theorem 7.1, then, they must eventually halt. QED."

Further proof that the cow population must eventually perish comes from the dual field of grassonumerology, which studies the number of blades of grass that exist on Dwaia. Careful manual counting has shown that the number of grass blades on Dwaia follows the grass numbers, a sequence of integers g(n) such that, if g(n) is odd, then g(n+1) = (g(n) - 1) / 2 and if g(n) is even, then g(n+1) = g(n) * 3 + 4. During Episode 5 it was conjectured by a math goblin that g(n) always reaches 0 eventually, and Smerg came up with a 1-line proof for the conjecture using Egg Theory, instantly killing the math goblin. The conjecture, which was thenceforth called the Cowsplatz conjecture (after the sound of the math goblin's skull), has as an immediate consequence that all cows will eventually perish. In mathematical terms, this is because the co-egg of the egg of all cows is the egg of all grass (indeed, many egg theorists will refer to a grass as a co-cow), and hence there exists a bi-gestation between the two eggs, proving they have the same bolocity. In normal English, it's because cows need to eat grass.

On the cruciality of cows

While cows are widely perceived as an important part of the Dwaia ecosystem, the Tragedy of the Cowmunch says that cows are so crucial to the ecosystem, that without them it will collapse. Proponents of the Tragedy say that there are second-order and further effects to a cow extinction, that ripple out and get amplified until all hell breaks loose. For example, it is obvious that if cows go extinct, all Cowbos will perish as well, because Cowbos rely on cows for milk, meat, leather, cow pyramids, companionship, and a sense of purpose. But, say the Tragedy theorist, when Cowbos perish, so too will the Bogistani bogriders of the Greasy Steppe, who rely on the Cowbos for their artisan leather bogriding harnesses and wrestling armor, as well as their tasty Hat Burgers. And so too will perish the Dukes and Duchesses in the higher Dwaian Elite, who rely on the Bogistani's professional bogwrestling matches for amusement and levity. And so will the BOI, who rely on the generous donations of the Dukes and Duchesses to stay operational. With the BOI gone, the realm would soon unravel into chaos.

According to the Tragedy theory, there are many such chains of second-, third-, and higher-order effects, which would come into play once the last cow has perished, and while each individual such chain may seem improbable, the chance that not a single one of them goes wrong is said to be vanishingly small.