Coin Incident

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The Coin Incident was the greatest catastrophy in Dwaian history. Before the Incident, Dwaia was a grand utopia, where the land itself shifted to resolve conflicts and regulate the climate, and where resource pipes sprang from the earth to meet any material need, and where people held curiosity and compassion as their highest values. All this was made possible by the complex machinery that filled the planet's infinite core, crafted by the greatest minds known to the universe, alike gods. Then one day, defying all explanation, the fool god Azaius Botatio managed to drop a single golden coin into the depths of the Machine, entirely by accident, in exactly such a way that all the gears and pistons ground to a halt, built up pressure, and bent and warped irreparably. And so the climate could no longer be controlled, and the south became a fiery wasteland, the north an icy tundra, the west an ocean and the east a vast expanse of canyon. And groups with conflicting interests were not removed from each other, which quickly began to breed contempt all over the world, until many wars broke out, sending the world into chaos and economic decline. Indeed, for the first time in a million years, scarcity was a thing, as almost all of the resource pipes ceased functioning. It also happened that the people of Dwaia had begun relying on the Machine to make their bodies and minds stronger using nutrients and implants. This too stopped being possible, leaving the Dwaian populace weakened extremely. This meant people were more susceptible to mutation, which lead to the Blobbification of Ferskuria, among many other events. After the wars, several new generations had been born. As the old science books were stored as data in the Machine, the fraction of people aware of the scientific method had dwindled to a tiny minority. Soon, scientific ideas were driven from the public consciousness entirely, being branded as unnatural, just like magic was. It took many years for society to become somewhat civilized again. This process started with the founding of the country of Dwaia, but it will be a long time before the Dwaian world ever reaches its old glory again.

Scrit of Mending

Some hours after the Incident, a massive statue flashed into existence at the center of the First Plane. It took the shape of a cloaked wizard pointing his hands into the sky. Every fold of his cloak and wrinkle of his hands was immaculately modeled, making the statue appear strikingly real. Perhaps more incredibly, the entire square kilometer surface of the statue was covered with a labyrinthine calligraphic text. The text, now called the Scrit of Mending, was a combination of poetry, prose, code, mathematics and arcane symbols. The entire Scrit was written as one continuous line, and had a hurried appearance. Nevertheless, all who look upon the Scrit are filled with a sense of inner peace, and it is considered one of the most beautiful works of art on Dwaia. It is theorized that the Scrit was summoned by some powerful mage in a last-ditch effort to save the world. Perhaps without it, the planet would simply crumble into the infinite abyss below.

Eventually, the city of Dwaia was built around it, and it remains there to this day.