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Fire Dune3.jpeg
A picture taken outside the city; beyond the lava moat surrounding the city.
Government Monarchy
Owner Thulal, the Scarlet Prince
Type Spicy utopia
Level 64
Location Near the border between the First Plane and Plane of Fire.
National Anthem Sons of Mars
Inhabitants Martians, Dwaians
Population 1.583.566 (2020AP)

Flag of Luxcius

Luxcius (New Dwaian: Luxsted, Formally: City of Brilliance) Is situated to the east of the border of the First Plane in the Moltrock Province, and is the archcapital of Kjinliux. Luxcius is recognized as the most prosperous and well-established city in the Plane of Fire as of 2020AP due to its complete self-sustainability, fully functional political systems, and military prowess. The city is ruled under a modified monarchical ideology in which Thulal Egriit is the supreme ruler, with an abundance of regional lords and councils under him.


Thulal Egriit would arrive at Dwaia in a spaceship carrying a hundred thousand of his own people. The ship landed very east of Dwaia (City, and its inhabitants crossed the border to more familiar surroundings to become isolated and protected by the Plane of Fire's natural unfriendly appearance. For generations, Thulal and his people lay dormant, slowing building up his empire until he felt comfortable with communication. Once contact with established between Dwaia (City) and Luxcius, it saw a boost in economics and culture. Today, Luxcius aids scientists of Dwaia in researching the harsh nature of the Plane of Fire.


The city of Luxcius and Moltrock lies east of the border of the First Plane. From the highest buildings and hills in Moltrock, the Wall of Smonk on the border becomes visible. Surrounding the city is a large moat of lava, dug after the establishment of Luxcius, to protect the city from raiders and angery creatures. Beyond the moat are wavy plains of brown grass native to the Plane of Fire. These plains stretch on for miles until they end at the mountain range, Luumus' Shade, to the north.

Research effort

The city of Luxcius is a foundation for Dwaian researchers to further their knowledge on the Plane of Fire and the existence of the world outside of the First Plane. This project is a collaboration between Cowbolandian Institute of the Science and the Institude of Far Beyond Research based in Luxcius. Their main function as of 2017AP is based at Point Firehill